Past Conferences

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**Find the Presentations from this meeting on our Resources page.

January 25, 2021


Meeting Speakers

CDOT Division of Aeronautics
Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)


Opening Remarks

Legislative Topics:
  • Environmental: Firefighting Foam Containing PFAS
  • Federal Funding & Pandemic Dollars
Industry Updates:
  • FAA Airport District Office
  • CDOT Division of Aeronautics
  • AOPA Northwest Region
CAOA Updates:
  • Training Programs
  • Board of Directors, Election Process
  • Association Budget

Q & A

Closing Remarks

Winter Conference 2020

January 27th, 2020
Brown Palace Hotel Denver


8:00-9:00 CAOA Board Meeting

9:00-9:45 CAOA membership Meeting

10:00-12:00 CDOT Division of Aeronautics/CAB Meeting/Grant Discussions

12:30-2:00 Lunch, Legislative Topics by Jason Licon, AOPA Update by new AOPA Representative Josh Pruzek & Colorado Seaplane Update by Ray Hawkins

2:15-3:15 Dan Reimer, Airport/Aviation Regulatory & Legislative Update

3:15-4:00 ‘The Big Reveal’ CDOT Div. of Aeronautics, Aviation Economic Impact Study Update

4:15-4:30 Strategy /Coordination Session for Colorado Airports for the Legislative Reception

5:30-8:00 Legislative Reception

Serving the common interests of the owners, operators and users of the 79 public use airports located throughout Colorado.