Another successful Winter Conference & Legislative Reception

One year after canceling the in-person 2021 Winter Conference, due to the Covid issues, the 2022 Winter Conference held February 1 & 2 at the Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel was a success. 123 CAOA members (both airports and the Corporate/Business members) along with 23-State Legislators registered. In spite of a Winter Storm Warning and the eventual 6” of snow on Tuesday night and the lingering Covid-masking issues, there was a great turnout.

The topics at the event consisted of the usual great industry updates by the FAA and CDOT/Division of Aeronautics. Tuesday’s session on ‘Airport Noise and Land Use Issues’ included industry experts Gene Reindel with HMMH and Charles McDermott with Dibble Engineering, bringing their National and Regional expertise on the subjects.

The follow-up session, a panel discussion with 3-Colorado airports, (Centennial, Rocky Mountain Metro, and Colorado Springs) detailing their Noise and Land Use Issues along with the audience Q & A, certainly put light on the subject that all airports, big or small, should be aware and pro-active in identifying their specific community impacts.

Land Use Compatibility
Dibble’s Conference Presentation

Airport Noise
HMMH’s Conference Presentation