In the News


It is the intent of the CAOA Board with the ‘In-The-News’ section to bring news worthy articles and items of interest to the attention of the CAOA General Membership, Colorado Airports and interested parties visiting the CAOA Website.

The In-The-News section is not intended to be a vehicle for classified type advertising such as for sale or for rent advertising. However announcement of new products that may hold an interest to the Colorado Airports may be a news worthy article.

The items of interest will be posted on the CAOA website Home Page. The Home Page space allocated for these articles will be limited to 3-articles of interest at any given time, however we will archive prior articles on another web page. The archive page will be purged and updated on an annual basis.

The CAOA Board, Administration and Website staff will be the primary resource for the items of interest postings. All CAOA Members are invited to submit an item of interest as long as it pertains to the Colorado Airport system and the Colorado aviation industry.

Submission of news worthy articles and Items of Interest: As a member of CAOA you are welcome to submit an article or item of interest. Please send the article or item of interest to Ken Lawson, Business Manager CAOA, at or

Serving the common interests of the owners, operators and users of the 79 public use airports located throughout Colorado.